Sunday, November 30, 2008

End of TAG

My first TAG ... please don't TAG me anymore ... malas la menjawab

7 Ciri Wanita Idaman Anda :
Mommy Aurora yang ...

  1. Loyal
  2. Smart, not necessarily genius but definitely not a Bimbo
  3. Love me for who I am unconditionally.(thanks to you too Sayang for loving me that way)
  4. Tidak dengki (not associated with jealous)
  5. Mentally stimulating.(so we don't end up being boring to each other.) RECYCLE POINT
  6. Supportive n loving. ANOTHER RECYCLE POINT
  7. Siti Shahana Abd Khalil

7 Wanita yang tak pernah anda minati sepanjang hidup

  1. Lazy
  2. Tak boleh tolak ansur langsung
  3. Perasan or POYO
  4. Jumud
  5. Bodoh sombong
  6. Arrogant
  7. In denial

7 Perasaan anda sekiranya keluar dengan orang yang diminati
p/s: sama haa ... recycle but with modifications

  1. Happy
  2. Angry
  3. Happy again
  4. Sad
  5. Tired
  6. Happy again n again....and
  7. ada angry jugak sikit2 kalau teralit tak tengok Tich

7 tempat istimewa yang ingin dilawati bersama pasangan anda
  1. Mekah (definitely)
  2. Alor Star (best ooo ... ada family and nasik zam2)
  3. The US (cool ...)
  4. UK (mommy kata nak pi visit wan chu)
  5. Tour Europe (can it be a reality in not so distant future?)
  6. Living abroad 4-5 years (US/Canada or UK)
  7. Cabin by the lake (I always fancy Tasik Pedu as my retirement place)

7 barangan/sesuatu istimewa yang akan anda hadiahkan kepada si dia

  1. My heart and soul.
  2. My unconditional love and devotion.
  3. My undivided attention.(except with Tich.)
  4. Promise and hope
  5. Grow old with me
  6. Batrisyia Mutalib and many more to come InsyaAllah
  7. and all the thing money can buy or if cannot Mastercard can buy
Tajuk lagu yang akan anda nyayikan untuk pasangan anda
I always sing "Kucing Lekat Tulang" or "Vespa Pak Aji Samad" from Pak Ku Shadat
but the theme song is "Apabila Isteriku Tertawa" by Suhaimi Meor Hassan

Rakan yang anda tag dan mahu mereka buat 7 PERIHAL ini. wajib!!!! mereka perlu diberitahu akan hal ini.


  1. hahhaa..daddy,daddy cool....hahha

  2. muahahahahahahaha..
    mommy baca kembang pe sampai kain terkoyak.. ahahaha =P~

    jap nak tanya.. Daddy nyanyi ka baca lirik lagu kucingku lekat tulang?? hahahaha ~

    *paling x bleh tahan nak balik Alor Star sbb ada nasi zam2.. ceshhh.. igt makan ja~
