Sunday, September 7, 2008

Electing Quality People

Inspired and modified from Grisham's The Appeal:
"Our sole purpose is to elect quality people. By quality, I mean conservative, business oriented, temperate, highly moral, intelligent, and ambitious people who can literally change the landscape of our people and this country.
And if we can do that, then we can protect the rights of the unborn, restrict the cultural garbage that is consumed by our children,honor the sanctity of marriage, make our streets safe, fight off crimes, go green, seal our borders, and protect the true Malaysian way of life"

Matlamat utama kita ialah untuk memilih pemimpin yang berkualiti.
Dengan kualiti bermaksud:
berorientasikan kemakmuran ekonomi,
penyabar dan tenang,
berkeperibadian tinggi,
bijak dan berwawasan;
yang mampu secara langsung untuk mengubah (ke arah yang lebih baik) lanskap bangsa dan negara kita.

Dan kalau kita menemui pemimpin sebegitu, maka kita boleh:
memastikan hak-hak keturunan kita di masa depan,
mengekang dan mengawal sampah-sampah peradaban yang dilambakkan kepada anak-anak kita,
memelihara kesucian institusi kekeluargaan kita,
memastikan persekitaran yang selamat,
membasmi jenayah dan keruntuhan moral,
memulihara alam sekitar,
menjaga kedaulatan bangsa dan negara,
dan menjunjung keharmonian serta gaya hidup masyarakat Malaysia yang tulen.


  1. Just having a 'life' right now is something to be grateful for. However, the 'kind' of life our nation is having now shows 'mixed'Quality of our leaders (that 'we' chose).But,that's life..

  2. Yeah.... it is so sad that the choice that we have is very "limited". But what can we do when all those qualified people who we know can make our life far much better is either being push away from being the leader or maybe just couldn't be bothered to do anything.... then again, that's life.
